First published in 2020, you are reading a revised and updated edition. And it is still time to get face-to-face with a book that contains the truth of who you really are and what God has done for you. The last chapter, entitled “Wonders in the Word”, contains over one hundred scriptures detailing who you are in God and what He has done for you! After reading this book, you will know for sure what God has done for you. You will know the answers to the following: do I really matter to God? Does God really care about what is happening to me? If I am called to run the race God has “marked out for me” (see Hebrews 12:1-2), how do I know which race to run? You will discover the truth about the most incredible love story ever told, and it will change your life forever. What has God ever done for me?
What Has God Ever Done For Me?
God has done what you and I could never do!
First published in 2020, you are reading a revised and updated edition. And it is still time to get face-to-face with a book that contains the truth of who you really are and what God has done for you. The last chapter, entitled “Wonders in the Word”, contains over one hundred scriptures detailing who you are in God and what He has done for you! After reading this book, you will know for sure what God has done for you. You will know the answers to the following: do I really matter to God? Does God really care about what is happening to me? If I am called to run the race God has “marked out for me” (see Hebrews 12:1-2), how do I know which race to run? You will discover the truth about the most incredible love story ever told, and it will change your life forever. What has God ever done for me?